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Writer's pictureSonsearai Dominique

Living my BEST LIFE | Construction Zone

"New Year", what does that actually mean. For most it's the chance to do something you haven't done before or that thing you could've done better. It's a way for us to have something to look forward to. How do we go about preparing for this "New Year", maybe it's a new hair cut or a new hair color. Whatever it is, it's an opportunity to press reset and disassociate yourself with the previous you and live in the new.

"New Year" for me isn't January 1st, it could very well be April 10th or December 26th. My new years started just over 4 years ago. That's the moment I sat down with God and had a much needed convo (scary but necessary). I had to face the fact that I wasn't living my best life. I was living life...yes...yet not to the level I have been created to live. It was tugging my soul strings for years.

One day (after being laid off from my job of 7 years) I said, you know what...I'm going to JUMP! I'm talking about The "JUMP". Jumping to the mountain of Faith. Now, did I understand what was about to happen, absolutely NOT. The preparation consisted of relaxing my mind with yoga, essential oils and reading daily or weekly devotionals.

l was ready though, ready for the best life. The best didn't involve money or anything material, it consisted of a transformation from the inside out. At that moment, November 2013, it had begun. No longer was I living the way "I" wanted to, I was moving according to the direction of God. Nope, this isn't easy. I've definitely drop the ball sometimes (OK..a lot) yet I'm going to keep pressing forward. I cut my hair 3 years ago, started my locs almost 3 years ago (something I've always admired) and I started cleansing myself of all things toxic, heavy, draining and negative even if it's myself.

I say all this to say, Do You. Do what's necessary to fuel your "New Year", the beginning of your best life yet!! Take that trip you've always dreamed of!

So, I want to hear from you...what are some of your goals or how do you plan to walk into a new you?

Toast to the "NEW"!

Sending many blessings and an abundance of positive energy to you all in

2018 & Beyond!


Sonsearai Dominique

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